import os
import re
import sys
binarypath = "/usr/bin/megacli"
# Adding a quick check to see if we're root, because on most cards I've tried this on
# We need root access to query
if __name__ == '__main__':
if os.getenv('USER') != 'root':
print 'You can only run this script as root or with sudo, sucks I know. Blame the RAID card'
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
print 'Usage: megaclisas-status [--nagios]'
nagiosmode = False
nagiosoutput = ''
nagiosgoodarray = 0
nagiosbadarray = 0
nagiosgooddisk = 0
nagiosbaddisk = 0
# Check command line arguments to enable nagios or not
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
if sys.argv[1] == '--nagios':
nagiosmode = True
print 'Usage: megaclisas-status [--nagios]'
# Check binary exists (and +x), if not print an error message
# or return UNKNOWN nagios error code
if os.path.exists(binarypath) and os.access(binarypath, os.X_OK):
if nagiosmode:
print 'UNKNOWN - Cannot find ' + binarypath
print 'Cannot find ' + binarypath + '. Please install it.'
# Get command output
def getOutput(cmd):
output = os.popen(cmd)
lines = []
for line in output:
line = line.strip()
if not re.match(r'^$', line):
return lines
def returnControllerNumber(output):
for line in output:
line = line.strip()
if re.match(r'^Controller Count.*$', line):
return int(line.split(':')[1].strip().strip('.'))
def returnControllerModel(output):
for line in output:
if re.match(r'^Product Name.*$', line.strip()):
return line.split(':')[1].strip()
def returnControllerFirmware(output):
for line in output:
if re.match(r'^FW Package Build.*$', line.strip()):
return line.split(':')[1].strip()
def returnArrayNumber(output):
i = 0
for line in output:
if re.match(r'^Number of Virtual (Disk|Drive).*$', line.strip()):
i = line.split(':')[1].strip()
return i
def returnNextArrayNumber(output,curNumber):
#Virtual Drive: 2 (Target Id: 2)
for line in output:
vdisk = re.match(r'^Virtual Drive: \d+ \(Target Id: (\d+)\)$', line.strip())
if vdisk and int(vdisk.group(1)) > curNumber:
return int(vdisk.group(1))
return -1
def returnArrayInfo(output, controllerid, arrayid):
_id = 'c%du%d' % (controllerid, arrayid)
operationlinennumber = False
linenumber = 0
ldpdcount = 0
spandepth = 0
for line in output:
line = line.strip()
if re.match(r'Number Of Drives\s*((per span))?:.*[0-9]+$', line):
ldpdcount = line.split(':')[1].strip()
if re.match(r'Span Depth *:.*[0-9]+$', line):
spandepth = line.split(':')[1].strip()
if re.match(r'^RAID Level\s*:.*$', line):
raidlevel = line.split(':')[1].split(',')[0].split('-')[1].strip()
raid_type = 'RAID' + raidlevel
if re.match(r'^Size\s*:.*$', line):
# Size reported in MB
if re.match(r'^.*MB$', line.split(':')[1]):
size = line.split(':')[1].strip('MB').strip()
size = str(int(round((float(size) / 1000)))) + 'G'
# Size reported in TB
elif re.match(r'^.*TB$', line.split(':')[1]):
size = line.split(':')[1].strip('TB').strip()
size = str(int(round((float(size) * 1000)))) + 'G'
# Size reported in GB (default)
size = line.split(':')[1].strip('GB').strip()
size = str(int(round((float(size))))) + 'G'
if re.match(r'^State\s*:.*$', line):
state = line.split(':')[1].strip()
if re.match(r'^Ongoing Progresses\s*:.*$', line):
operationlinennumber = linenumber
linenumber += 1
if operationlinennumber:
inprogress = output[operationlinennumber + 1]
inprogress = 'None'
if ldpdcount and (int(spandepth) > 1):
ldpdcount = int(ldpdcount) * int(spandepth)
if int(raidlevel) < 10:
raid_type = raid_type + "0"
return [_id, raid_type, size, state, inprogress]
def returnDiskInfo(output, controllerid):
arrayid = False
diskid = False
table = []
state = 'undef'
model = 'undef'
for line in output:
line = line.strip()
if re.match(r'^Virtual (Disk|Drive): [0-9]+.*$', line):
arrayid = line.split('(')[0].split(':')[1].strip()
if re.match(r'Firmware state: .*$', line):
state = line.split(':')[1].strip()
if re.match(r'Inquiry Data: .*$', line):
model = line.split(':')[1].strip()
model = re.sub(' +', ' ', model)
if re.match(r'PD: [0-9]+ Information.*$', line):
diskid = line.split()[1].strip()
if arrayid and state != 'undef' and model != 'undef' and diskid:
table.append([str(arrayid), str(diskid), state, model])
state = 'undef'
model = 'undef'
return table
cmd = binarypath + ' -adpCount -NoLog'
output = getOutput(cmd)
controllernumber = returnControllerNumber(output)
bad = False
# List available controller
if not nagiosmode:
print '-- Controller informations --'
print '-- ID | Model | Firmware'
controllerid = 0
while controllerid < controllernumber:
cmd = '%s -AdpAllInfo -a%d -NoLog' % (binarypath, controllerid)
output = getOutput(cmd)
controllermodel = returnControllerModel(output)
firmwareversion = returnControllerFirmware(output)
print 'c%d | %s | %s' % (controllerid, controllermodel, firmwareversion)
controllerid += 1
print ''
controllerid = 0
if not nagiosmode:
print '-- Arrays informations --'
print '-- ID | Type | Size | Status | InProgress'
while controllerid < controllernumber:
cmd = '%s -LdInfo -Lall -a%d -NoLog' % (binarypath, controllerid)
arrayoutput = getOutput(cmd)
arrayid = returnNextArrayNumber(arrayoutput,-1)
cmd = '%s -LdGetNum -a%d -NoLog' % (binarypath, controllerid)
output = getOutput(cmd)
arraynumber = int(returnArrayNumber(output))
while arraynumber > 0:
cmd = '%s -LDInfo -l%d -a%d -NoLog' % (binarypath,
arrayid, controllerid)
output = getOutput(cmd)
arrayinfo = returnArrayInfo(output, controllerid, arrayid)
if not nagiosmode:
print ' | '.join(arrayinfo)
if not arrayinfo[3] == 'Optimal':
bad = True
nagiosbadarray += 1
nagiosgoodarray += 1
#arrayid += 1
arrayid = returnNextArrayNumber(arrayoutput,arrayid)
arraynumber -= 1
controllerid += 1
if not nagiosmode:
print ''
if not nagiosmode:
print '-- Disks informations'
print '-- ID | Model | Status'
controllerid = 0
while controllerid < controllernumber:
arrayid = 0
cmd = '%s -LDInfo -lall -a%d -NoLog' % (binarypath, controllerid)
output = getOutput(cmd)
cmd = '%s -LdPdInfo -a%d -NoLog' % (binarypath, controllerid)
output = getOutput(cmd)
arraydisk = returnDiskInfo(output, controllerid)
for array in arraydisk:
if not array[2] == 'Online' and not array[2] == 'Online, Spun Up':
bad = True
nagiosbaddisk += 1
nagiosgooddisk += 1
if not nagiosmode:
print 'c%du%sp%s | %s | %s' % (controllerid, array[0],
array[1], array[3], array[2])
controllerid += 1
if nagiosmode:
status_line = 'Arrays: OK:%d Bad:%d - Disks: OK:%d Bad:%d' % \
(nagiosgoodarray, nagiosbadarray, nagiosgooddisk, nagiosbaddisk)
if bad:
print 'RAID ERROR - ' + status_line
print 'RAID OK - ' + status_line
if bad:
print '\nThere is at least one disk/array in a NOT OPTIMAL state.'